Reporting & Insights
Maximize profit with a bird’s-eye view of all labor and financial metrics.

We’ll automatically calculate your labor costs based on employee wages and hours scheduled, so you stay within budget every week. Determine exactly where to cut back or adjust labor spending by comparing projected versus actual costs to maximize ROI and optimize your staff scheduling. On average, we save restaurants 1–3% in labor costs.

Break down important sales and labor metrics such as labor cost percentage, net sales, and hours worked. Customize your reports by viewing your numbers by time periods, department, or employee. Use other key metrics, like sales per labor hour, to track the productivity of your staff and identify top performers.

Have more than one location to manage? View all important labor and financial metrics across multiple locations in one dashboard to compare performance in real time. Identify trends early to react sooner – have a store that’s overspending on labor? Take action immediately instead of waiting until the end of the quarter to receive a printed report.